
Mr. Wantawee Simchomphu

Abstract :

In the midst of today’s technological advancements which influences to  lives of people in society there is an exchange of opinions to showing attitude perspective on society freely and without borders. As a result, people in society have different ways to adjust their lifestyles according to their own needs to be consistent with the environment according to the context of that society.

Humans have a need for acceptance in society. There is a desire for things that will benefit oneself in some way. But due to the insatiability of humans, sometimes they may action without awareness and not considering the impact on others, who will do whatever it takes to get what they want and let the dark subconscious mind action like a devil, controlling that action.

For this reason, if people lack consciousness in their lives and do not control their own desires. It will easily cause the dark side of the mind subconscious to take over. Therefore, the expression of human needs depends on the degree to which that person is inculcated with goodness, morality, ethics, or good values ​​in society and uses consciousness to distinguish between wrong, right, bad, and good. What level is effective in living life and being responsible to society based on goodness.

Objectives :

To study the creation of illustrations to communicates the expression of ideas and another perspective on humanity. There is a method of analyzing, contemplating, classifying, and comparing various things in order to be useful in adapting them to the context of human society through symbolic communication from objects, animals, that can be commonly seen in the environment of each society.

Conceptual Framework :

The creation of illustrations to communicates the expression of ideas and another perspective on humanity. There is a method of analyzing, contemplating, classifying, and comparing various things in order to be useful in adapting them to the context of human society through symbolic communication from objects, fruits, animals, that can be commonly seen in the environment of each society.

Fruit pictures also represent meanings the outer peel covering the sweetness that is desires and needs of humanity.

Picture of the eyes of reptiles Instead of meaning with fixation, manipulation, hideousness.

Process / Methodology :

1. Use a portrait photograph of a person as the main image then die cut out part of the head.

2. Use pictures of fruits from many angles and cut them out background. Then place it in place of the head part of the picture as in step 1.

3. Use images of eyes and texture from the animals skin and various types of fruit to replace them into fruits inner as in step 2.

4. Adjust the light, value, color of the image from step 1-3. To be appropriate in the same direction.

5. Preserve image details such as excess edges of the image and the joints of images that are combined into one image

6. Print on paper to proving color, shading to see the neatness of the artwork.

7. Print on actual size paper and place them in a picture frame to prepare them for further display.

Techniques and Materials :

Adobe Photoshop CC2018

Result / Conclusion :

If people lack consciousness in their lives and do not control their own desires. It will easily cause the dark side of the mind subconscious to take over. Therefore, the expression of human needs depends on the degree to which that person is inculcated with goodness, morality, ethics, or good values ​​in society and uses consciousness to distinguish between wrong, right, bad, and good. What level is effective in living life and being responsible to society based on goodness.

References :

Dialectical Materialism (A. Spirkin). Man and Society. (Online). [2019, March 3]
(Online). [2019, March 3] (Online). [2019, March 3]

กองบรรณาธิการศิลปวัฒนธรรม.(2566).ดูยุคตะวันตกตื่นกลัว “ซาตาน” อย่างหนัก มองสิ่งไม่ชอบมาพากลว่ามี “ปีศาจ” อยู่เบื้องหลัง.

ธร ปีติดล.(2561).‘ปีศาจ’ความเหลื่อมล้ำ และกาลเวลา.

ยสินทร กลิ่นจำปา.(2565).

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