My signature Cookies

Ms. Thidarat Boonrak

Abstract :

In the history of art, the role of food has been significant throughout the ages. It began in the Stone Age when humans used food as ingredients to produce pigments for painting on walls. In ancient Egypt, food was depicted symbolically, such as in hieroglyphics. Even in the Renaissance period, paintings included compositions of vegetables, fruits, and flowers on human faces, brimming with profound symbolism, as seen in the works of Giuseppe Arcimboldo. In modern art, food became a tool for reflecting consumer culture, as exemplified in the artworks of Andy Warhol.

The role of food in art has diversified over time, including its presentation through paintings and its use as a medium for real art presentations. In today’s society, there’s a great emphasis on individuality and genuine identity, with people using their own characteristics for self-identification and security, such as fingerprints, iris patterns, or tooth structures, which cannot be easily replicated.

Thus, I draw inspiration from the history of food in art and the aforementioned interest in identity to present artwork in the form of pastries. Using tooth structures as a prototype, I blend art and elements of my own identity to transform familiar pastries, aiming to offer viewers a new perspective and imagination, highlighting the importance of individuality and diversity that makes humans uniquely different.

Objectives :

To present the concept of identity in the form of globally recognized food items, such as cookies, reflects the acknowledgment of individuals through the varying forms of food.

Conceptual Framework :

To present identity in the form of globally recognized food, such as cookies, reflects the recognition of individuals through the changing forms of food. What we see as food may also be something else.

Process / Methodology :

After researching the history of food in art, I selected cookies as the food for presentation. Drawing inspiration from my own tooth structure, I created a mold using food-grade silicone rubber for cookie production. Then, I proceeded with the cookie production process and arranged the components until the project was completed.

Techniques and Materials :

Cookie on Dessert Tray.

Result / Conclusion :

To present identity in the form of globally recognized food, such as cookies, reflects the recognition of individuals through the changing forms of food. What we see as food may also be something else.

References :

Sharon Butler.(2017). A Brief History of Food as Art.

Panu Boonpipattanapong.(2017). ประวัติศาสตร์ของอาหารในฐานะงานศิลปะ.

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