K Place Sanambinnam Market, Nonthaburi Road Soi Nonthaburi 39, Nonthaburi

Mr. Pichet Vanitcharoenthum

Abstract :

K Place Sanambinnam Co.,Ltd has taken over the unfinished building and left abandon around a couple years ago. It is a corner building on the very good location on Nonthaburi Road, only 150 meters from the entrance of Soi Nonthaburi 30. This road run continually lead to the high-density residential estates inside the block. (Fig.1,2) Therefore, it is considered a potential area. The first revival phase started by Big-C , the  big-brand convenient store among this abandon structure and had received  positive feedback for 1 year before. The company invited the architect team to design this unfinished building to become a brand new and lively market place.But they also need to consider the limited budget. One side of the K Place Market is opposite and parallel with The Government Lottery Head Office and the other faces to Nonthaburi Provincial Police Station. The many officers and visitors of the both offices were prospected to be the users and costumers of the project. Nowadays, nearly 60% of the first floor space is rent by minority agents for Government Lottery transaction services, due to the advantage of the nearest location from the head quarter. And the upper floor is reserved for the private area of the company. The strategic approach of the outcome aimed to up level the project image both becoming the salable market place and the memorable appearance as well.

Objectives :

1.To design and renovate the unfinished buildings with limited budgets to return for functionality. By

    adapting to a lively market and able to attract the people for spending, especially the customer groups

    relating to The Government Lottery Head Office and Nonthaburi Provincial Police Station.

2. To design and renovate buildings to have a memorable image and form. By finding the appearance that noticeablefrom contextual features around this area.

Conceptual Framework :

Due to the budget and time conditions, the design team of K Place Market summarized the renovation program by Adaptive Reuse management for fulfillment the unfinished building completely by creating a space as the central and attracts more people. (Fig.3) It has established the relationships with the two large government buildings, both in terms of connectivity thoroughfare as well as architectural style.

Process / Methodology :

The architects searched for the making of new efficiency turn-out for response the budget limitation by applied the reasonable material-composition. One of the strategic idea was the creating main huge assembly space to be sufficient to contain the occasional events and could be access from 3 entrances included the agency offices corridor to join easily in this main space. (Fig.4) This new Event Hall sat juxtaposition to the existing structure and wrap around together under one roof, enveloped both façade and shelter surface with metal sheet roofing system. (Fig.5)This architectural design direction combined the existing and new comer turn out look entirely unity.

 There are 2 pedestrian entry portals from both 2 boundary side of the corner and a small one from car-parking area inside the property. The hierarchy of these entry portals depended on the flow of the prospected users coming from around the location. The new Event Hall, sitting next to the 2 well-kept free standing V-sharp columns in front of existing site office, confront oppositely to the Police Station declared itself as the main entrance façade by the direction of prospect customer from the station and the head quarter officers. This façade treatment influenced by the graceful architecture of the Police station with Contemporary-Thai elements. The fine crafts ornamental pediments of the police station interpreted turn-out to the simple outline gable for the entrance canopy. The stability of the Thai-style building contradict becameto the Move-and-Freeze continuous gables series which hang-over the main entrance of the new market reflecting the motion of modern automobiles today. (Fig.6,7)The Move-and-Freeze continuous gables seriesexperimental design got inspired by the Marcel Duchamp’s Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2, the early work in Modern Art Movement which was frequently mentioned about the motion studies. (Fig.8)

The second pedestrian entry appeared on the other side of existing structure emphasized by 2 High Wall with bright color to enhance the welcome open invitation. Adding the new column line out of the existing wall provided a new loggia running along the entire façade as transitional space for visitors. This steel column attached the overhead fascia that conventional used for the shop and commercial spaces. The aluminum composite fascia was perforated as the palm leaf outline for decorate ornaments and created delightful shade and shadow on the wall as well.

These 2 entry portals connected together along the pedestrian plaza around the corner site. (Fig.9) The third entrance accesses from parking-lots inside the property. The architect built no more any shelter and left this open space as it was, re-configured the path more wider while visitor drop–off the car and stepping to the market hall more directly, composite new material as the Art wall collage backdrop for pocket garden on one side. The other provide shop fronts for food & beverage along the side. (Fig.10)This integrated arrangement defined the space that enhancing the lively atmosphere for greeting the visitors. The existing public restroom around this area also totally refurbished with well-selected materials not only for new good looking, but also sanitary use as well.

The 70% agency booths and 30% shop booths totally refurbished and bonded together with 2.00 meters wide through-out the existing structure. The architect punched periodically the concrete ceiling of these deep-inside corridors into rectangular open well with steel grating frame to allow the indirect light lit-in and let the stack effect ventilated the hot air beneath through these opening. (Fig.11)

The mechanical and electrical equipment of the existing almost dismantled and reinstalled the all new set-up equipment due to the building code and safety regulation.

Techniques and Materials :

The new Event Hall was constructed under the light-weight steel truss structure to create the extra span over the floor space and also the high roof for occasional events and indoor market. The new structure was enveloped and some part of unfinished side wall together with metal sheet roofing system. This conventional construction method not only allow cost-saving come possibly, but also resulted the overall of the finished existing and new structure look unity as the same one.

The aluminum composite panel was selected for neat area cladding on the roof and gable of main entrance continuing to the plaza and event hall’s entrance.  The main façade’s Move-and-Freeze gable fascia, the perforated fascia on the other and part of Art-wall collage at the car-parking entrance. The Event Hall floor was finished with coating cement screed for low-cost consideration but well-design patterns. The rental booth and corridor were finished with floor tile for easy cleaning.

Result / Conclusion :

1.All of the project parties involves their duties the best they could do. The client responded mostly of the architects’ budget management suggestion. The basic conventional steel construction responded the best answer for the owner’s cost consideration, contractor’s man-skill acquaintance and the architect’s purposed design of the new market place for the community. The wrapping surface with industrialized metal roof system make the construction period reasonable and brighten the entire Volumatic look sharp with delightful color, erase the dilapidated image of the building for over a year. Sometimes may be alter some minor of material while under construction such as the floor finishing of the new Event Hall was altered from ceramic tile to coating cement screed, adapted batten panel for cross ventilation on the entrance façade by light gauge steel tube instead costly wood veneer batten. The collaboration of the parties made the outcome marketplace re-functional and welcome the prospect costumes from Government Lottery Head Office with the inclusive of the significant Provincial Police Station. K Place Sanambinnam opened on December 2021 and smoothly celebrated the New Year festival.

2.The architectural design came out with contextual design-integration as far as possible. These new façades respond the activities each side its face, well-arranged rhythmic pattern of the shop front transitional loggia and High Wall entry loggia welcome the costumers on the Head Quarter side. The Event Hall major axis, in term of the visual physical elements of Thai-style building and flow of uniform officers come straight across the road, dominance by the interpreting-design of the Move-and-Freeze gable series not only making the memorable image and form that relate to The Government Lottery Head Office and Nonthaburi Provincial Police Station, but also advocated itself the Architecture of the Community as well. (Fig.12,13)

References :

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