
Mr. Patara Nimmol

Abstract :

The concept of “Classroom” revolves around the idea of routine activities in a classroom setting. The animation will feature a square space representing the classroom, with each character’s movement confined to this space. Importantly, all characters will be placed in the same box and size, symbolizing a teaching structure that decreases diversity among students. The teacher’s voice will call out student names, and each call will impact the movement of the characters, emphasizing the teacher’s control and influence over the classroom environment.

Objectives :

1: Showcase the uniformity of student representation in the animation, highlighting the removal of unique details and the impact on student identity.

2: Engage the audience in a reflection on the implications of standardization in education, encouraging them to consider the value of diversity and individuality.

3: Demonstrate how the theme “The devil is in the detail” applies to the classroom setting, illustrating how the removal of student details can affect the learning environment and student experiences.

Conceptual Framework :

1. Context:

The context of the animation is a classroom environment, representing a microcosm of society and a space where diverse individuals come together to learn.
2. Concept:

The central concept of the animation is the critique of education systems that standardize and homogenize students, removing the diversity and unique details of each individual.
3. Theme:

The theme “The devil is in the detail” is integrated into the concept, highlighting how the small details of student identity and experience are often overlooked or erased in the pursuit of uniformity.
4. Visual Representation:

Visuals will depict students as uniform, standardized figures within a square space, symbolizing the loss of individuality and diversity in a standardized education system.
5. Audio Representation:

Audio elements, particularly the teacher’s voice calling out student names, will emphasize the control and influence of the education system in shaping student identity and behavior.
6. Narrative:

The narrative of the animation will unfold through the interaction of characters within the classroom space, highlighting the impact of standardization on student experiences and interactions.
7. Goal:

The primary goal of the animation is to critique the dehumanizing effects of standardization in education and to encourage reflection on the value of diversity and individuality.

Process / Methodology :

Voice Recording: Record voice overs to call out student names
Character Design: Create unique character designs for the students

Pose Adjustment: Place the characters’ poses within a square space, representing the confines of a classroom setting.

Animation: Animate each character’s movement, ensuring smooth transitions between poses.

Photograph Insertion: Insert photographs of classroom elements and symbols

Editing and Compositing: Edit and composite the animation, combining all elements (voice, characters, photographs) into a final product.

Techniques and Materials :

Digital animation, Photography and Voice recording.

Result / Conclusion :

The removal of individual details from the characters symbolizes the loss of uniqueness and the diminishing of the diverse experiences within the classroom. It challenges us to consider the value of embracing our differences and celebrating the unique contributions that each individual brings to the learning environment.

The open-ended nature of the conclusion encourages viewers to interpret the message in their own way, drawing parallels to their own experiences and perceptions of education and uniqueness. It serves as a catalyst for dialogue, prompting us to question the status quo and envision a more inclusive and empowering education system that nurtures the uniqueness and individuality of every student.

References :

อภิภา ปรัชญพฤทธิ์, หลังสมัยใหม่นิยมและการอุดมศึกษา – กรุงเทพ: อินทภาษ, 2554


Weir, P. (Director), & Schulman, T. (Writer). (1989). Dead Poets Society [Film]. Touchstone Pictures.

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