War Game 2023

Mr.Anupong suttalak

Abstract :

Since Hamas launched its attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, it has been followed by a sudden Israeli retaliation operation. The world has once again witnessed the utmost cruelty that humans have committed towards one another. Images of innocent victims, including children, old people, young women, young men, Palestinians, who were shot down by Israeli weapons. Including images of violence against Israeli hostages and other countries. who were captured by Hamas Even though they had nothing to do with this battle. There are numbers recorded that Since the world’s unprecedented attack on October 7, more than 5,000 Palestinians have died, including more than 1,100 women and 2,000 children, including journalists and medical personnel. In addition, millions of Palestinians have been displaced. More than 42 percent of homes were destroyed, while only 4 percent of aid and basic necessities reached the Gaza Strip. The new conflict between Israel and Hamas is seen as one of the biggest humanitarian crises in world history. It is a state of war in which the world cannot clearly determine which side is right and which side is wrong because both sides use the excuse of ‘humanitarian’ as a tool for waging war. to the point of making international humanitarian law unable to work effectively

Today, the world is filled with calls for humanity for the victims of the Hamas-Israel war. But no one took action to make it happen.

Objectives :

The purpose of creating this work of art is to express the effects of war on children, youth and women. A reminder of the crisis in humanity of the world’s population.

Conceptual Framework :

From the aforementioned war situation I am deeply moved by the events that have occurred. And has led to the idea of creating mixed media art that reflects images in the form of playing war games. that the audience can interact (Interactive) with the work

Process / Methodology :

  • Research the source for information
  • Design the piece of art briefly.
  • Finding suitable materials to be applied in the project
  • Start working on actual projects in accordance with the established plan.

Techniques and Materials :



  • Printed photographs
  • Framed wood canvas (size 120cm x 120cm)
  • Miscellaneous items for decorations




  • Photoshop
  • Photo Transfer on Wood
  • Texturize by blowtorch and roller
  • Sticking wood material metal and plastic
  • Burning on wood
  • Oil pastel
  • Drawing

Result / Conclusion :

By exploring these issues, the artist has found greater empathy and understanding of the experiences of those affected by disasters.Through the use of various media, the writer attempted to create awareness to humanity between trauma, resilience, and hope that arises in the aftermath of such disasters and war.


References :

โชค มุกดามณี. สู่…สภาวการณ์ใหม่ MODERN EXSTENCE 1992.กรุงเทพฯ:หอศิลป์เจ้าฟ้า, 2535

สุกรี เกสรเกศรา. คุณค่าและความหมายของวัสดุจากธรรมชาติและวัสดุสังเคราะในงานศิลปะสื่อผสม.เชียงใหม่:คณะวิจิตรศิลป์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่, 2546

Doe, J. (2022, March 5). Mixed media art reflects the devastation of war. Art News. https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/mixed-media-art-reflects-devastation-of-war-1234589631/

Karolane Paradis. (2017, April 25). BANKSY : LEGEND OR REALITY?. https://www.artalistic.com/en/blog/Bansky-street-art-en/

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