Social Disruption no.01

Asst.Prof. Vichai Mekkerdchoo

Abstract :

In the current situation, society has quick access to information. It is more difficult to consider true or false data information, which in many cases affects the behavior shown in the media that we have seen differently. This creates a trend and changes thoughts, including the results of loss in assets, opportunities and trustworthiness.

Disruption means stagnation, meaning that something is going on and is being disrupted and couldn’t proceed smoothly.  Today’s society cannot deny that we have entered a digital society for quite some time.  Digital disruption or Social disruption refers to the impact of digital technology on society, which has become an important factor in progressing in the past but has now become too significant to continue as before.

Risks in digital society
Communication in the digital age make it easy for strangers to gain access to the personal information through information expressed in cyberspace. This user-recorded data increases the risk of criminals using it as a base for online fraud. This damages both individuals and reduces confidence among internet users. The existing legal and judicial measures are unable to deter the attack or effectively remedy the damage, especially transnational crimes. Therefore, creating early warning measures and raising awareness may be more effective than providing compensation to victims and prosecuting criminals after the damage has already been done.

The inclusion of people in society can lead to the immediate dissemination of information. Sharing information can be both true and false. It’s difficult to verify or identify the root cause.  Someone may intend to create false content for a specific purpose. Some people accidentally receive and share the wrong content. (Misinformation)

Objectives :

Society in an era where everything is increasingly organized into digital systems. No matter what activity we do, we have many more conveniences than in the past, including communication according to social trends and including various important transactions, especially with finances.

And of course, even though people will receive more convenience, what increases next is the risk.

What should be done at this time is to be fully aware of new risks that can happen to us at any time, whether slow or fast but also theft bullying or tampering with personal information online.
One basic thing that we need to know and understand is that today’s society is not a private space. Please keep in mind that everything in online communities is a space that everyone has the opportunity (not the right) to access, even if you don’t agree to give permission.  Everything that moves is not 100% safe.

Conceptual Framework :

Since information technology has played a huge role in daily life. The use of technology is widely. This means using technology in various areas. Of course, everything has both advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Cause a crime Information technology can be a means of committing crimes.
  2. Causes human relationships to deteriorate
  3. Causes anxiety. This effect is a psychological effect of certain groups of people.
  4. Causes business risks. Today’s businesses must rely on technology. All business information is stored in the center.
  5. Causes the spread of culture and the rapid spread of inappropriate news.

Society is at risk. Being aware is a very necessity in human existence.

Process / Methodology :

From the ideas laid out, the writer thinks and considers the meaning of the image for creating a work that will communicate and convey a story to those who see the work, causing confused feelings, looking for what is the truth? And what is a lie? In the picture, truth and lies overlap.
Here, the writer chose to use a young woman who had a general life, holding shopping bags that seem normal in society that is overlaid with a skeleton that represents disaster, which is the polar opposite. overlapping sources is the need to consider real data and false information.

Techniques and Materials :

Photo retouch means retouching images to use in the work according to the needs of decorating and creating images. In this case, we choose to use the Photoshop program. This can be done with every image, whether it is a photograph of a person, various places or an imported object. Comes to customize by using with the program to meet the needs of those who use it. The main purpose is to help in adjusting and decorating the obtained images and the image will be greatly or slightly altered from the original depending on the use of different techniques to achieve the desired image retouching by the user. Materials are photos 1. Image of young women today enjoying shopping. It presents a picture of normal society. 2. Picture of the skeleton. It is a presentation of disaster. Take both images and retouch them on top of each other. By specifying interesting colors, patterns, and placement, presented in a new perspective that the general public has seen. Must consider and look to distinguish what are the elements of the picture and their meaning. From this concept, the creator takes Photos & Retouching technique that could be respond such concept.

Result / Conclusion :

Social Disruption is the result of digital technology society.  It is an important factor in Quick access to information, determining whether information is true or false is increasingly difficult.

Summary of the problems that occurred

1. Today’s society is too aware of personal information which can fall off or spread

2. Today’s society is deceived by the use of social media, such as deceiving people into doing bad things, Fake selling products.  These things can happen in today’s society.

3. In Today’s society, copyright infringement of various works is easy.

As for my work, I want to present ideas, consider and make observations before believing or share any information, before causing damage to a person or any agency.

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