SHINE TERRACE A.B Structural Design

Ms. Keiko Miyagawa / Japan

A house designed with the concept of catering to surfers, providing an ideal living space for their The focus is on meeting the needs of surfing enthusiasts to the fullest.Firstly, the room with ample ceiling height to accommodate longboards provides a safe place for surfers to store their beloved gear. Additionally, direct access to the bathroom allows for quick rinsing off of sand and salt upon returning from surfing sessions.
Furthermore, parts of the house are equipped with a sauna and a jacuzzi for relaxation, allowing surfers to soothe tired muscles and prepare for the next surfing session. Lastly, specifications designed to with stand sea breezes ensure that this coastal home remains comfortable and durable against the elements of nature. Together, these elements create an ideal dwelling that enriches the lives of surfers.
Keiko Miyagawa

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