Mirror of Grief

Mr. Anupong Suttalak

Introduction :

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which began in 2014, has been a major geopolitical event that has had far-reaching consequences for the region and the world. The conflict has resulted in thousands of deaths, as well as the displacement of millions of people. In addition, the region has also been hit by several devastating natural disasters, including earthquakes in Syria and Turkey, which have further compounded the challenges faced by the people of the region. The impact of these events on the people of the region cannot be overstated, and they have inspired many artists to create works that reflect the struggles and challenges faced by those affected. Mixed media art is one form of art that has been used to explore the complex emotions and experiences of those who have been affected by these events. The use of mixed media in art allows for a wide range of materials and techniques to be used, which can help to create a more complex and nuanced representation of the events being explored. This is particularly important when exploring topics such as conflict and natural disasters, which can be difficult to capture using traditional forms of art. As an artist, I have been deeply moved by the events unfolding in Russia and Ukraine, as well as the earthquakes in Syria and Turkey. These events have had a profound impact on the people of the region, and have inspired me to explore these themes through my art. Through my mixed media pieces, I seek to capture the complex emotions and experiences of those affected by these events. 

From these occasions have inspired myself as an artist to reflect consequences through the piece of art, using mixed media to create powerful and nuanced representations of the complex emotions and experiences of those affected. Through my own mixed media art, I hope to contribute to a greater understanding, empathy and actions caused by human hands to people and in the face of adversity. 


The objective of this piece of art is to contribute to understand the impact of disasters on mental health and emotions of humanity, and to raise awareness of the dangers that may arise from human hands.  


– Research the source for information 

– Design the piece of art briefly. 

– Finding suitable materials to be applied in the project 

– Start working on actual projects in accordance with the established plan. 

Techniques and Materials:


– Printed photographs 

– Framed wood canvas (size 120cm x 120cm) 

– Miscellaneous items for decorations 



– Photoshop  

– Photo Transfer on Wood 

– Texturize by blowtorch and roller 

– Sticking wood material metal and plastic 

– Burning on wood 

– Oil pastel 

– Drawing  


By exploring these issues, the artist has found greater empathy and understanding of the experiences of those affected by disasters.Through the use of various media, the writer attempted to create awareness to humanity between trauma, resilience, and hope that arises in the aftermath of such disasters and war. 


วิโชค มุกดามณี. สู่…สภาวการณ์ใหม่ MODERN EXSTENCE 1992.กรุงเทพฯ:หอศิลป์เจ้าฟ้า, 2535

สุกรี เกสรเกศรา. คุณค่าและความหมายของวัสดุจากธรรมชาติและวัสดุสังเคราะในงานศิลปะสื่อผสม.เชียงใหม่:คณะวิจิตรศิลป์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่, 2546

Doe, J. (2022, March 5). Mixed media art reflects the devastation of war. Art News. https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/mixed-media-art-reflects-devastation-of-war-1234589631/

Karolane Paradis. (2017, April 25). BANKSY : LEGEND OR REALITY?. https://www.artalistic.com/en/blog/Bansky-street-art-en/