The Eyes of Visual Anthropological Media: New Interpretation Rice scape

Dr. Sucheep Karnasuta


The study of visual media, especially photographs in visual anthropology interested in the relationship of media to nation building as well as the communication process that connects 2 people in society to each other relatively limited availability gives the photographic place a place to be as the main character of the subject matter and the behavior towards people is not easy to find that can be seen clearly and accessible and tangible. The production process and the circulation and exchange of photographs bring about a sense of belonging to a wider community than the ones that meet face-to-face. Photographs have brought awareness to the previously unknown. people in the area far away or objects that are not familiar to the eye to come to the front and create dialogue, connection, and self-contextualization.

Strassler also argues that photographic genres evoke different vision, understanding, cultivating, attitude-building, imagination, and ideological and social action. Each type of photograph communicates and establishes a place where people are. both by being aware of one’s self and to relationships with others on vastly different areas of perception, feelings, ideals, and temporal and physical spaces. The differences in the types of photographs and the variety of experiences that people have with them. Not different from the refraction of light that hits the camera lens, lead to visualization and perception It is often difficult to control, predict and manage, through the new perceptions and relationships created by the changing visual experience of the photograph and its objects to overcome the understanding that photography is a “representation” of the world duplicating, but only but in fact Photography is also about “shooting” a whole world-creating at the same time. (Jakkrit Sangkhamanee, 2010)

The refraction of perspective on identification photographs reflects the role that photographs play in the transition from being an object of control. to become the object of the memory itself These photographs create a “refutation” of modernity and respond to different aspects of people’s lives, experiences, memories and cultural traditions. We benefit from understanding photography in new ways. Not only does it consider photography as a tool by anthropologists to capture the moments, gestures and relationships of “others”, but refracted visions remind us to become more aware of the role of the photograph itself. To create dimensions, perspectives, and ownership of records for a wide variety of people. It’s hard for anyone to predict. (Karen Strassler, 2010)

Speciality of the area and the location of made the decision to use this area in the formation of a new and release the bonds that have been accumulated for a long time in the mind by reading the picture through the perspective of anthropology in the context of borrowing for 3field work in various study areas to help explain the phenomena that occur related to the relationship and change of culture that coexist in Thai society. It shows the hidden value of the text that reflects the changes in the rice fields, objects, witnesses, and surroundings.


Reading the pictures can interpret new meanings to see the phenomena that occur in the changing of rice fields visible and tangible, both clearly visible and not clearly visible, requiring observation to see even the unseen in the photograph, such as the hidden abstraction in the concrete, is constantly being re-meaned in the dynamics of relationships. It creates clashes, resists, borrows, and applies rather than traditional localist formations that may help guide the eyes. The way of thinking helps to see the discordance that has been over looked in the area. By collecting information that is linked to each other full of reflections facing each other by looking and access to photography affects worldviews, alignments, negotiations, and resistances, creating a counterpoint of modernity that responds to different aspects of life, experiences, memories, and viewing cultures apart.

From the way of thinking and working, this set brings benefits from understanding photography in a new way of thinking. It is not only considered photographs as a tool by anthropologists to capture moments, gestures and relationships of people. But it helps to remind us of the role that photography plays in creating dimensions, perspective, and ownership of recordings for an unpredictable variety of people at the same time, they may be exchanged mixed together into the same set regardless of which part of the set is greater, there is mutual acceptance. This cultural assimilation may occur naturally or it can happen with the intention of the powerful party.
Interpretation and acceptance of cultural diversity in a narrow framework and trying to die breaking out of thinking that sees the cultural identity of various groups at a standstill that looks at the cultural identity in a fixed way and be one This series of works are social constructions, which are the selection, selection, cutting, adapting, transforming, enhancing, and enhancing areas, objects and environments that cause physical changes. with some common characteristics and has changed and borrowed all the time.

Throughout the creation of works This allows the creators to see the images of cultural diversity overlapping in different images. brought together to create a fusion of diversity to become both low and high inequality even the comparison shows the contradiction reconciliation both in the way of thinking, looking at the form, the materials used in the presentation, the expression, the display, brought together to create the individual work and the overall picture together into this series of works. It can be said that it is a process as a means of understanding the essence of objects, places, refractions of beauty, aesthetics and beauty, especially those that are intangible or hard to see communicate to others or people outside the culture can understand by creating an avatar for the outside world leads to questioning. Challenging to make adjustments to learn by transcending the way of thinking. and the limitation of looking in the original form.

Objectives Aims or Purposes

1. To create photographic works of anthropological media that show the changing
conditions of space, objects rice field environment by bringing back the photographic work to
create a new interpretation.
2. To experiment with substrates that emphasized the least change in stability in environments close to rice fields.

Process or Methods

Go to the area to observe the event without participation, found object to save the changing image of the area an environment object that represents a foreign object. Causing significant changes as well as what has been overlooked then take the photos that have been arranged to show the change and reinterpret. And then use the image to be printed on a stable material or the least change in the same environment as the rice fields to present photos.

Techniques and materials

Mobile digital photography typing material trial aluminium composite dibone print, Install the works in a simulated environment close to the rice fields.

Size or Mins.

Photography Installation varies according to the exhibition area.

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