Desirability Model from Design Thinking / Human-Centred

Asst.Prof Dr. Arttawut Changvittaya


According to this year Symposium’s theme, Desirability, this work has integrated both the
academic and applied arts into a model. This model, an adaptation of Design Thinking crafted to fit Thai Culture, is a useful guideline in order to create a human-centred product. Desirability incorporates human 5 senses: sight, taste, smell, sound and touch, which, is one of the process in this model. Moreover, this model can be applied further in real life application.


The uniqueness and differentiation of this piece of work is the integration of academic knowledge of the 5 senses of desirability for real world application.
Three effective factors to consider when developing desirable products
1. Desirability is the product of an individual human beings, therefore, understanding needs and insights of the “target” is the most crucial data to obtain and grasp.
2. Feasibility, the creation of product has to be possible to produce. Resources such as time, human capital, financial capital should also be considered as well as desirability.
3. Viability is also an important factor in order to create a sustainable development, thus, Social Enterprise is also a very important concept that should always be contemplated. This question should be kept in mind: How to make your development sustainable?
Design Thinking is the best process in creating and design products in these days and age. The best example, is the invention of the first Computer Mouse, invented by Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, using Design thinking process (IDEO, 1980).
Design Thinking does not confine only in the field of designs and applied arts. Design Thinking has been used in diverse fields and industries. Including, education, commercial, social science, human behavior or non-profit organization. Furthermore, it can also be used as guideline to solve problems as minor as small disputes in an organization. In other words, this adaptation of Design Thinking model is a path way towards understand human beings and is essential in Human Centred Design which is useful for everyone.
Remark: Original technical term for Human- Centric is Human Centred

Objectives Aims or Purposes

The objective of this model art work is to improve the understanding of creating a desirable
product. A creator should not only create the work that is desirable only to their personal interest but need to consider the interests of “target audience”. The main purposes of this model are:
Incorporating academical knowledge to be applicable in real life functions, knowledge
should be practical outside of a classroom.
To convey the above model of “Human- Centred Designs” so that it can easily and clearly
be understood by main the majority of population.

Process or Methods

The process of this work is divided into two stages as follows:
1. In depth research of available and credible academic studies. These examinations have been used to define and determine most useful and practical the factors for “Desirability”.
2. Creating a comprehensible and coherent Info Graphic of, the said research, “Desirability”, through 5 human senses, sight, taste, smell, sound and touch.

Techniques and materials

Academic synthesis and Visual Communication Design

Size or Mins.

Visual Communication Design

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