Million Line Tales (1-3)

Assist.Prof.Chaiporn Panichrutiwong


“The gap” can be seen with the eyes. And if you don’t see it with your eyes, you will be able to feel it.Tales for children in adult form. “Million Line Tales (Book 1-3)” is a short story. “Great Philosophy of Life”, the story of “Prapas Cholsaranon”, National Artist, 2018.

Which will take readers to know the profound abstract in us or even the people around us Including fear, love, jealousy and many more. That will take us to dive into the original human instincts, who like to be simple and fun, with illustrations from “Chaiporn Panichrutiwong” that will enhance the reading experience for you as well.

It can be concluded that the transfer of philosophy, emotions and feelings from all 3 books of literature, makes the connection point discoverable, namely the gap in relationship between father and son. That father shares life experiences and teaches children with stories. .

In which the story is told the gap between father and son in terms of experience. This picture is therefore comparable to the teachings of parents. Which can be seen from the pictures of every family member in the picture. And every character that appears, is from the literature inside the book .

Techniques and materials

Digital art Illustration

Size or Mins.

42×30 cms. (3 pieces)

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