Audience’s Viewing Gap in Digital/VR/AR Art mediums Series of Artwork, “Silent Roar: The Last of Us"

Mr. Gomesh Karnchanapayap


Since the dawn of time, humans have been inventing art mediums as ways to share experience. COVID Pandemic not only changes the way we socialize but also puts a “gap” everywhere. Although Physical Art establishments such as museums and galleries are now being put on pause mode, art viewing and experiencing will continue. While they not be able to substitute the real things, modern technologies can be used to share artworks in this social distancing era.

The subject of this study is a family of black leopards. In this series of artwork, “Silent Roar: The Last of Us”, the artist utilized 3 different mediums to represent gaps in art viewing. The 3 mediums are Digital animation, Virtual Reality animation, and Augmented Reality animation which can be viewed through a monitor, a Virtual Reality head-mounted display, and a smartphone respectively. Art contents can be delivered to these three mediums via internet providing safe methods of viewing artworks.

Although the 3 artworks are of the same subject, the gap in viewing the artworks differ due to the chosen medium. Digital Medium can be viewed traditionally by projecting contents on a monitor. According to the rules of ergonomics, a recommended viewing distance for a monitor is 51 centimeters. Virtual Reality place 2 monitors very close to your eyes. The gap between your pupils and the VR lens is about 10 centimeters. Augmented Reality technology can superimpose virtual artwork on top of a real environment and be viewed through your smartphone screen with a viewing gap of approximately 40 centimeters. These display formats are viable remote art exhibitions as the creative contents can be delivered anywhere via internet. This providing truly safe viewing “gaps” during the COVID pandemic while keeping you connected to the art world.

Techniques and materials

Multimedia Digital Sculpting / Virtual Reality

Size or Mins.

  1. Digital Medium 1920 x 1080 (Resolution) LCD Monitor 51 centimeters Local File or Internet
  2. Virtual Reality Medium Required a minimum viewing area of 4 meters x 4 meters VR Head mounted Display 10 centimeters (From the VR lens) Local File or Internet
  3. Augmented Reality Medium Required a minimum viewing area of 30 cm 30 cm Smart Phone 40 centimeters Internet

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